Her skin was clammy to the touch and pierced by thick intravenous needles delivering saline and medicines to raise her blood pressure.
This has led to a serious problem of disease spread through health care as patients received too many injections and injections by unsterilized needles.
"Think huge hand feeling its way, by remote pins and needles; think lightning flash and thunder rumbling, through the watery mud of Australia."
Once more Bink had lucked out: he was miraculously untouched by either hoof or needles.
Obviously, education changes behavior among those whose faculties aren't impaired and enslaved by needles and drugs.
Her face began to twitch and pull as if stitched by invisible needles.
"But what do you tell the hundreds of thousands of people who get infected every day by dirty needles?"
There was the usual profusion of intravenous bottles and lines hanging above them, connected to impaled blood vessels by sharp needles.