A few had forsaken paper altogether and submitted their work on disks or over the phone, by modem.
Down to the main post office to file my latest material by modem.
Last year it seemed as if record retailers were going to start actually selling records in their stores by modem.
The system does not communicate with the outside, so it cannot be influenced remotely by modem.
Two years ago, the college began offering some courses by modem to computer users.
But everything seemed to work fine until I tried to file this column by modem.
Now, more than 60 local artists, writers and others in the art world can talk to each other 24 hours a day, hooked up by modem.
Users will soon be able to send the data in to Genigraphics by modem.
For that kind of timely data, one's computer needs access by modem to an on-line data base.
A user can change, send and take the data with connection by modem or cable.