Components of the human microbiome change over time, affected by a patient disease state and medication.
If caused by medication, the offending agent is discontinued or reduced.
In the double bed, next to his wife, a 55-year-old man was sleeping, numbed by medication for diabetes, and barely aware of the bust.
Many sufferers have their symptoms largely controlled by medication.
And he added: "We found that the effect on the patients' ability to perform daily living tasks was twice as high as achieved by medication."
The rest, men and women with Type II diabetes, can usually control their disease by diet, exercise or medication.
He sought to help patients heal sooner by the use of hands and fingers as well as medication and surgery.
Although men often report satisfaction with treatment by medication, many men discontinue it within a year.
Carcinoma barely controlled by extensive surgery and continuous medication.
There is no known cure but the illness can be treated - by medication backed by practical and caring support.