Gamers may also invite their friends to participate, which could assist promotion by word of mouth, or "viral marketing."
Some arts and crafts business can easily be run from home, selling goods by direct marketing or over the internet.
The university was able to win exceptional students and doctoral candidates by well-targeted marketing.
"The problem identified by the Government's own reviews is not the law, but rather, exaggerated fear of being sued, fed by aggressive marketing."
That renewed attention brought new focus on an author untouched by marketing and image-making.
This has generated accusations of the Academy Awards being influenced more by marketing than quality.
The internet helps firms explore new opportunities by aggressive sales and marketing.
I came to the series late-in 2001, just as the first movie was coming out-but I've never felt manipulated by marketing.
For now, the Internet is expanding by reductive marketing - trying to pinpoint and mold our preferences.
Instead of reaching transcendence through drugs or natural talent alone, the new breed gets there by toil and corporate marketing.