Without sovereign immunity, the tribes say, they could face bankruptcy by lawsuits and would be unable to operate as governments.
He has gotten particularly exercised about accident victims driving up the cost of business by filing lawsuits.
I know of very few governments in the world that do not allow their citizens to protect themselves from slander by filing lawsuits.
But state attorneys general do have the power to block mergers by filing lawsuits grounded in both state and federal antitrust laws.
In fact, thousands of parents with autistic children have responded to the Institute of Medicine report by filing lawsuits.
Establish, by lawsuits or other means, that buyouts by management have a built-in conflict of interest.
Local school boards are trying to recover cleanup costs by filing lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers.
But that effort became bogged down, both by lawsuits and internal bickering.
Eventually, the aged and disabled won rights that were likewise enforceable by lawsuits.
Talked about since the 1980's, the project was delayed for years by squabbling, lawsuits and lack of money.