The same biochemical process could explain why many people - including the many chefs who swear by organic ingredients - believe organic produce simply tastes better.
Meals come with baskets of serious cornbread, warm and crumbly, not too sweet and unadulterated by revisionist ingredients like jalapeno bits.
You can seek out seasonal dishes, for example, or search by cooking method, region, cooking time, ingredients or courses.
Because you haven't been overfed or battered senseless by rich ingredients, you may well feel up to a round of dessert.
Such substitutes replace the dairy milk by other plant-based ingredients.
It has also been suggested that stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of Magic Mushrooms mimics religious experiences.
This is, quite simply, cooking from the heart, quiet and elegant food inspired by local ingredients and sustained by rock-solid tradition.
This cacao is particularly delicious in its pure form, unadulterated by additional ingredients.
The food is equally eye-catching and inspired by regional ingredients, such as scallops with truffles or roasted sea bass.
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