That was the original plan for the new Microsoft operating system, a default desktop screen with a pristine countryside scene uncluttered by icons.
Mr. Prince hopes to lure them in by occasionally using hot young singers to play "Bandstand" icons.
The top half of the screen features a map of the circuit, and the position of all four cars represented by icons.
A video gallery of cinematic villainy, inspired by nefarious icons and featuring the best performers from the year in film.
The show, which will run for 15 weeks, will feature guest appearances by local celebrities and icons who will ask contestants questions relating to a particular topic.
They have a timeless beauty that appeals even to those usually left cold by icons.
There is also a new iconstasis made with solid wood and adorned by small icons on its top register.
The apprehension by literary icons to the announcement of the winner of the Nobel prize for literature is quite revealing.
In addition, the comic books make their impact by sampling brand names, media identities, and cultural icons from the present, the past, and an imagined future.
Wimbledon officials stuck to their market principles in the face of repeated appeals by icons of the women's game like Billie Jean King.