A daring ambition roused . . . and by pluck and guts she had made it happen!
We like to think that Rocky will win this one by sheer guts and heart.
I think we won just by guts and determination by the guys who were on the court until the end of the game.
Greyness and decency are fine if accompanied by guts.
Keg had become the chief executive by sheer guts, excellent judgment, and the ability to gamble and win.
One day, Karthik sees a girl (Jyothika) on the road and he is quite impressed by her attitude and guts.
Been named an officer, rather; she had become one since then by sweat and guts and fierce study.
By sheer guts and stamina, Gorn had made it to the finals and had won the admiration of everyone there.
They got there by guts and brains--and they don't have the group courage the cops have either.
By sheer guts, he advanced sixty yards before being stopped by a final concentration of enemy fire.