There will be daily lectures and demonstrations by gardeners, cooks and designers; call for a schedule.
It became widely cultivated as the "gold plant" by 19th-century gardeners.
Often tiny cormels form, too, and these nuggets are treasured by gardeners, who want to have more of the same.
On garbage night, patrol the neighborhood for those big bags of leaves left out by other gardeners.
The use of human hands to remove harmful insects or other toxic material is often the most common action by gardeners.
Compounding the confusion are casual references to laurel in catalogues and by gardeners themselves.
Breeding companies from all over the world contribute annuals for viewing by amateur and professional gardeners.
The ones that caught my eye describe the creation of gardens by gardeners themselves.
Reading books by other gardeners is a brilliant way to acquire new approaches and be introduced to exciting new plants.
After many generations of selective pressure by plant breeders and gardeners, dormancy has been selected out.