Players can also gain weapon points by capturing flags.
Four flag-haters rushed to test the new law by burning flags at a Seattle post office.
Long, straight lines, marked by colored flags.
The tracks themselves are pretty makeshift, marked by old tires, flags or sticks.
Inside the outpost, which was ringed by Israeli flags, the scene resembled a giant sit-in.
Jeon was at the center of this line, surrounded by flags and riding on his white horse.
Although dating from the period of signalling by flags, it has survived as a general term for naval signallers.
But there were boulders, marked by little flags of white water or ominous roiled swellings.
Its outraged followers retaliated by burning flags and attacking the embassies of European countries.
If a vessel is to be halted, he said, American naval officers will first signal by radio, loudspeakers, flags, blinking lights and other means.