Germany's recovery has been driven almost wholly by stronger exports.
Japan's economy has grown robustly over the last six months, helped in part by increased exports to China.
But already, job growth in the rest of the nation, fueled largely by rising exports, is beginning to catch up with that in the Southeast.
Celebration of achievement of 10 billion dollars gained by exports.
Buoyed by record consumer spending and exports, Thailand's economy is on track to grow 6 percent this year, economists say.
China's economic growth, recently measured at 11 percent, is widely seen as overheated and overly driven by exports.
Many analysts say that the most effective way to redress the trade deficit is by increasing exports of American manufacturers.
Theoretically, a weaker dollar should help the economy over time by increasing American exports.
American businesses are especially concerned by Chinese exports of these illegal products to other countries in Asia.
Indonesia's economy grew 4.1 percent in 2003, the country's statistics bureau said, driven by rising exports and strong consumer spending.