A new and progressive democracy, dominated initially by exiles returned from the West, would dawn in the Arab world.
But that does not justify the use of Elian as a mascot by Cuban exiles.
Works by exiles in Shanghai, and other regions, are little known.
There wasn't really an exile art, it turns out, just art by exiles.
Now it has more than 20 political parties, several led by former exiles like Mr. Kethavy.
This city where raucous demonstrations by exiles were once as regular as summer storms has seen few lately.
Coffee shops, which have been taken over by artists, hum late into the night with activity, including poetry readings, many by Iraqi exiles.
Mostly they were by foreigners, or by German exiles on their return.
A ferry service was founded in 1772 and operated by exiles for five months a year.
It is brown and white and worshipped by exiles.