There, they are sold to restaurants that often keep the cats and other live animals in cages for inspection by diners.
He said credit-card payments by diners were properly reported but when customers used cash, the restaurants "skimmed money off the top and understated their receipts."
The Chinese feast on glistening, tender pea shoots, much coveted by sophisticated diners.
That same night another server was being instructed on how to open a wine bottle by diners at the next table.
The banana cream pie and chocolate cream pie were also polished off in record time by diners who swore they couldn't eat another bite.
Diners who have completed their meal should vacate the table without delay so as to free it for use by subsequent diners.
Not by fellow diners, but by a waiter who had previously worked at other restaurants.
Asian menus often encourage sharing, but Thalia takes it to a new level by offering diners eight-inch "share plates."
All the more reason to treat yourself to a good meal at any of these restaurants that do well by solitary diners.
It has a deceptively attractive name, so close to another French name that it passes almost unnoticed by most diners.