Its smooth, leathery hilt was worn away by rot and decay.
From these he derived his main theme: the passage of time, especially as measured by visible decay, chance and mindless accumulation.
The skin you see here on the body's extremities, as yet untouched by decay, is also a mark of that breed.
Isolated, abandoned, damaged by poverty and decay, Red Hook has long been in decline.
Its foot-long teeth stained yellow by age and decay clacked together.
When she struck the floor, it felt thin, undermined by decay.
A sweet mission m this world dominated by disorder and decay.
It is easy to produce in a technetium-99m generator, by decay of Mo.
The interaction of these particles by scattering and decay provided a key to new fundamental quantum theories.
The single painting in the back gallery seems untouched by potential blight or decay.