Others stayed fueled by coffee, beer, cigarettes and cold pizza.
The animals in the video are beaten with a bat, punched in the head and burnt by cigarettes.
This admittedly worked for me because I wasn't around anyone who smoked and thus couldn't bend the rule by scamming cigarettes.
Smokers didn't worry about getting killed by cigarettes in those days, mostly because they figured something else would get them first.
I once picked up a one-armed hitchhiker, who impressed me all journey by rolling cigarettes one handed.
The addicts consistently said heroin was the most difficult to stop, followed very closely by cigarettes.
It flourished by smuggling whiskey, cigarettes, tissues, and much else that Iranians needed but couldn't get.
By the 20th century, cigarettes, cigars, and pipes all had their own specific meanings and connotations that developed across history.
The physical changes brought about by drugs, alcohol and cigarettes used by a pregnant woman on her unborn child are distressingly obvious.
Alcohol-related illnesses rival those caused by cigarettes as the nation's most treatable public-health problem.