He hurried down a corridor dimly lit by occasional yellow bulbs.
It was narrow and gloomy, illuminated by weak electric bulbs.
We treaded our way along the dark stairwell dimly lit by naked 40-watt bulbs.
It led into a dusty underfloor area, dimly lit by well-spaced, weak bulbs.
Roark climbed sagging wooden stairs lighted by bulbs stuck in a web of pipes.
Strange machines and devices bulked in the shadows not entirely dispelled by several low-wattage bulbs.
The floor was blacktop, the whitewashed ceiling lit by fluorescent bulbs and no more than seven feet high.
And in the fireplace stood an electric fire with fake coals lit by red bulbs.
Then they were in a long, low chamber lighted dimly by electric bulbs.
It spreads rapidly by runners and bulbs.