And when I arrive in chains, let me die a martyr's death - eaten by wild beasts!
They saw no signs of natives nor were they molested by wild beasts.
Were they killed by the extreme weather, by beasts unknown, the resistance?
He'd seen women and children killed by beasts--and by men, which was worse.
The land across which we traveled was a paradise peopled only by wild beasts.
There's nothing so conspicuous as someone in civilian clothes running down the street as though pursued by beasts.
Certain areas of this land are densely forested, and inhabited by ferocious beasts.
I'll not leave you alone in a land infested by lions and other wild beasts.
After seeking me everywhere he believed that I must have been drowned, or eaten up by wild beasts in the forest.
I only see a world sparsely populated by man and beasts.