But no drilling is allowed pending the completion of extensive research by the Government and Congressional approval.
The City Council sneaked by approval of the site within a week before the dedication.
The deal is subject to antitrust review by Federal regulators and approval by Horizon shareholders.
Enactment would require not only a majority vote by the 13-member Council but also Congressional approval.
Lawyers for Enron said that a new auditor would be subject to review by creditors and approval by the bankruptcy court.
The arms have been borne since 22 March 1976 after a decision by the community and approval from the government of Lower Franconia.
She remained on active duty for several years beyond mandatory retirement by special approval of the President.
The agreement is still subject to ratification by the union's members and approval by United's board and labor committee.
The agreement is subject to ratification by pilots and approval of the bankruptcy court.
The District cannot spend any money without an appropriation by Congress and approval by the President.