With his youth and his buzz-cut hair, he appeared, Time magazine said, "more like a football coach" than a theologian.
He was in his early forties, freckled, with buzz-cut red hair, a warm smile, and a friendly manner.
Nicholas, a mature 13, with green eyes and buzz-cut brown hair, joined his mother for the interview and served as a handler of sorts.
"Sorry about this, friends," he says, brushing his buzz-cut blond hair with his free hand.
The frustrated lieutenant paused and ran his hand over his buzz-cut hair.
Now the second special agent, a younger man with the requisite buzz-cut hair and squared-off jaw, looked down the heavily wooded path.
This close Kimberly could see the faint sheen of silver mixed into his dark, buzz-cut hair.
A tall, broad brick of a man, he had deep-set eyes, blunt features, and buzz-cut hair.
I scanned the casino shadows, searching for the lurking form of the tall, broad man with buzz-cut hair.
Then asked how he had felt after that play, the rookie with the buzz-cut hair said: "I feel normal.