City have stipulated that any loan deal would include an agreement to pay £3.8 million for Wright-Phillips if the buying club stay up.
The couple smartly avoided interest from the start by joining a Brazilian-style buying club, a peculiarly Brazilian solution.
Finally, consumers have three days to cancel their membership in a buying club if the membership fee is more than $200.
We protect our members by making the buying club prove that their man is an established international, whose skills are not available in the EEC.
Celtic had been a buying club in their opening decade, spending heavily to bring professionals to the club.
Yes, at the start of January he was 'worth less' to a buying club, but he wasn't worth buying !
"We're more convenient than a buying club," Mr. Cramer said.
And she suggested that small was better when starting a buying club.
Other buying clubs prefer to work with just four or five families.
Thus, a buying club for the collective purchase of wholefoods was established.