While work is continuing on some floors, the first buyers started to close in late January.
Many buyers don't start at the top, but eventually work their way there.
Those left out must buy shares in the market when the original buyers start reselling them.
The moment you leave, your buyers could start boiling up those bones with impunity.
The company was trying to sell, hopefully for around $2 million, but the two best potential buyers started to drag their heels.
Then, in January, would-be buyers started turning out by the hundreds for open houses, he said, "and the market was back."
"If you need after-tax income there aren't a lot of places to go," And new buyers are starting to appear.
And it went on just the same when the buyers started showing up to haul away the corn.
But buyers were starting to put the cans on the top shelves and forget about them.
When buyers start to think that rates have bottomed, there is almost a rush to buy.