He said that whenever large orders to sell stocks appeared, buyers seemed to back away.
And ownership, many new buyers seem to feel, is better in the long run than renting.
There's a fair amount of trust involved, but buyers seem to have it.
Even so, buyers seemed to be on their guard.
And many buyers and builders still seem to like the way site homes are built.
Ten years ago, when she got ready to sell, all her buyers seemed to want a third bathroom, she said.
Even so, brokers report that buyers do seem to have become more selective.
Every buyer seems to have a different reason for being here, and none complains about the 15-percent buyer's premium.
Does style ultimately matter in a segment where many buyers seem to want to go unnoticed?
Prices over all are continuing to fall, in fact, as buyers seem to be seeking out the less expensive homes, brokers said.