A buyer purchased the farmland and apartments, but did not use the house.
If he thought there was enough in this to keep me living fat for some time to come, the buyer had just purchased his merchandise.
Because of the lower initial payments, buyers can purchase bigger and more expensive houses.
During 1997 another buyer purchased the property, which had been advertised for sale in the open market.
At that same time, the buyer of U22-1802 also purchased the replica used in the crash scene.
The motors were much improved, so the buyer purchased more.
In fact, she noted, when the 78th Street apartment sold, the buyers purchased the rest of the adjacent one as well.
The buyer may then continue shopping or purchase the selected item.
The international buyers are often not purchasing only a second home, he said, "but sometimes a third or fourth one."
The buyers at that point could purchase shares in the open market and bill Scattered for the cost.