While buyers have made plenty from recent sales, that doesn't mean everyone is selling.
Adding in the interest received over the period, that buyer would have made about $100 through yesterday.
But adult buyers are increasingly making their presence known in the industry.
But the average income is $24,000 and buyers must make at least a 10 percent down payment.
But you will be at risk, for example if the buyer cannot make future payments.
Sellers who think that buyers will simply show up and make their best offer do not understand how the market works.
Every buyer must make his own guess at how prices will move, and many are optimistic.
He added that work would not begin on the other building until buyers make commitments for space.
At the Meadows, buyers cannot make more than $45,000 if they are single and $55,000 for a couple.
I told them to let the buyer make an offer.