Although the buyer had inspected the car, he had relied, not purely on his own assessment of its value, but to some extent on the description.
Many prospective buyers have done due diligence and inspected the hill, but none are willing to make a commitment to long term operation of the ski center.
Officials in both agencies advise potential buyers to inspect properties before bidding.
All the prospective buyers had already inspected the apartments.
A buyer inspects a lamp at Ardingley Antiques Fair.
On April 30, 1947 demilitarization of the Vigo Plant began; this allowed prospective buyers to inspect the site.
Some merchants will make good, but will also insist on certain steps to protect themselves, like uncrating a delivery immediately and having the buyer inspect it.
Most large-scale manufacturing has left the area, although there are still shops that produce the samples that buyers for retail chains inspect before placing orders.
In addition, all regional buyers inspect and approve all raw material stores personally to ensure they achieve our laid down standards.
Nonetheless, the mere fact that the buyer has inspected the goods does not necessarily preclude reliance.