The buyer hopes the stock's price will go up (a call) or down (a put) to provide a profit once the option is sold.
Institutional buyers had hoped to command up to 15 basis points, or 0.15 percent, more in interest on the bonds they bought.
Now some buyers hope that the Government-sponsored sale will depress the market further.
The buyer of the option hopes the value of the property will either go up or is already low.
But the buyer hopes its arrival will reverse, not accelerate, the trend.
A private-party buyer is hoping to pay less than the dealer retail price.
The put buyer either believes that the underlying asset's price will fall by the exercise date or hopes to protect a long position in it.
Potential buyers hope to sell Freeserve customers other services like cable television and phone service.
Most prospective buyers were hoping to leverage the price of a town house with rental income.
A buyer of education cannot hope to get detailed information about how flexible a college can be in offering financial aid.