While the Federal Reserve Board sets the nation's interest rate policy, buyers and sellers in the Treasury market drive the rates that affect both consumer and corporate borrowers.
Many buyers drive into poor neighborhoods from other areas.
To find them, prospective buyers will drive along a new road on a sliver of landfill that juts into Gravesend Bay on the South Brooklyn shore.
Private buyers, especially the ones who aren't knowledgeable, usually drive the price up and pay more for something than it's worth.
At the end, the commercial invites buyers to drive the Escort.
A conquest sale, in Detroit parlance, is one in which the buyer previously drove a competing make.
Bidding wars, in which ravenous buyers drive the price of desirable apartments higher and higher, seem to be pretty much a thing of the past, brokers agreed.
The buyer can drive it back to Europe or resell it elswhere in Africa.
Most second-home buyers drive two or three hours from Las Vegas, Los Angeles or San Diego.
On Saturday, at the fairgrounds, we watched the sheep-shearing contest, and a buyer from Brittany drive a hard bargain with a bearded local shepherd.