TWO years of unrelenting buyer demand has reduced the inventory of homes for sale throughout the New York metropolitan area.
Cash rebates have been nearly constant for several years and are not likely to disappear with the 1989 models, although they may decrease in size if buyer demand remains strong.
The survey showed the usual seasonal slowdown with the first monthly decline in buyer demand since January as the number of new buyers registering with agents fell 2.2%.
The original GAZelle saw a few official modifications to its body, length and passenger capacity to better serve buyer demands, including models featuring diesel engines.
The company has increased prices five times since last July, a reflection of strong buyer demand even in the face of rising lumber costs.
However, buyer demand and economics made the change inevitable.
"The revamped Consumer Guide Automotive is designed to satisfy the buyer demand for reliable and credible content to help them make the best purchasing decision."
Like many of the country's hotspots, however, oversupply, coupled with a fall off in buyer demand means the "squeezed middle" is feeling the pain.
But even if buyer demand had remained as strong as in recent years, the Fairfax plant would face another problem: industrywide overcapacity.
This enabled Cadillac to keep doing business pretty much as usual through 1976, after which it adroitly changed course to meet buyer demands for smaller, more fuel-efficient cars.