Pinellas County property records show that Mr. Lyons bought it in 1996 with a $455,000 loan.
Ms. Kennedy did not ask for alimony and bought a house in Cambridge with a loan from her parents.
Last year, only one of 10 was bought with a loan.
More if it's bought with a loan at interest.
Mr. Singer bought the properties in 1989 with a loan from a bank that later failed and was taken over by the Resolution Trust Corporation.
She contends the car was second-hand and bought with a loan, that the car telephone was a gift and the apartment doubled as her office.
His first purchase was a struggling community paper Le Journal de Rosemont, which he bought with a $1,500 loan from his mother.
The house, which cost $200,000, was bought with a loan guaranteed by the state.
So, in the example in the panel, the present value cost of leasing is £113 less than that of buying with a loan (£7,653 - £7,540).
Can you afford the car you bought with a loan?