In some cases, the paper reported, officials bought up to four cars at the official rather than the market price.
Since 1983, the company has been buying up its shares at an accelerating rate.
Then, about three years ago his father died and he bought a garage up at Yowford.
At the same time new groups are buying up the assets of these institutions at fire sale prices.
Sometimes the release dates change and they have to buy up any available spot on a Thursday night at the last minute.
The options give the executives the right to buy up to 1.5 million of the institution's shares at various prices.
And he received an option to buy up to 300,000 Chrysler shares at $16.94 each.
Dogs of all kinds are being bought up at a fast clip.
Foreign corporations then bought up the assets at rock-bottom prices.
So they're buying up countries like bad mangoes at the end of market day.