Riders bought millions more over the weekend in a frenzy that caused sporadic shortages.
The 3GS was a truly great smartphone, and people bought millions of them.
"If those lives buy millions more, maybe the sacrifice is worth it."
People have bought millions of copies of this voice.
As someone who was buying millions of dollars of magazine ads just 24 years ago, this is a lot of change to swallow.
These maids, drivers, security guards would not have enough money to buy millions of shares.
But after the two bought millions of dollars of Hasbro stock, the bet went sour.
Welfare payments buy less than half of what they did in 1970, and millions of families no longer receive them at all.
They could easily for example buy millions of pounds worth of merchandising and include it as sales.
"We have tried to zero in on cashmere, for example, and bought several millions of dollars of it," he said.