Those who cannot afford to buy firewood are often forced to travel several miles to acquire wood.
"In an ideal world we'd all be buying certified firewood, but it's going to take some time before we see those days."
As one poor women in the village laments: 'There isn't enough money for food, so where is the question of buying firewood?
Yes you can buy ice and firewood inside.
You can buy firewood at the shop.
Most Services Gone His mother always bought food, clothing, furniture, even coal and firewood, at the company stores, where some prices were subsidized.
With the money she bought mud and firewood to make about 1,600 clay pots.
He also collected money for the poor to buy firewood in the winter, and to make matzos at Pesach.
Ms. Nichols warned against people buying loose firewood by the truckload instead of by the cord.
The coin he held back bought firewood, wine, and beer to replenish his stocks.