The baby gives beans which can be used to buy costumes, fireworks, decorations, and more.
At the gift shop, you can buy your own wand, toppers, and decorations (like ribbons and stickers) for your wand.
'Yes, I forgot to buy new decorations.'
Surprise Party - Bonnie the Bunny is throwing a party, and she buys decorations, food and party clothes.
The weeks after Christmas are also a great time to buy holiday wrap, cards and decorations for next year.
In anticipation, The Queen went to the store to buy decorations.
Grabbing the first opportunity, I just bought the whole production off: costumes, decorations and everything, never sure what to do with this purchase," Demidova remembered.
The aim of the game is to expand this planet, earn money, and buy decorations, earn followers (people) and buildings and gain experience to level up.
"Should we buy decorations?"
Because she wants each class to feel special she buys new decorations and equipment every year.