They live in an oil-rich nation whose leaders have recently bought billions of dollars in American high-tech weapons.
"Commercial institutions like banks also bought billions of dollars of bonds and other treasury paper, holding more than $24 billion at the war's end."
China has prevented the yuan from rising by buying hundreds of billions in dollar-denominated reserves.
GPA has promised to buy billions of dollars worth of planes in coming years, and it needs more capital.
In the last two years, Citibank has bought billions of dollars of its common shares.
The deal will give Lilly better access to the insurers and employer health plans that buy billions of dollars' worth of drugs a year.
The Japanese central bank was in the Asian foreign-exchange market earlier this week, traders said, buying billions of dollars.
When there's a war, countries buy billions of dollars' worth of armaments that are made here in the United States.
The Germans and the Japanese are likely to go on buying billions of dollars to keep their own currencies from rising too fast.
The government had to intervene by buying billions of dollars worth of shares.