Between 1970 and 1975, 29 states lowered the legal age for buying alcoholic beverages.
Another law signed last year made it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy alcoholic beverages.
He goes back home, also visiting a supermarket to buy alcoholic beverages and cat food.
The audience is captive; young children generally do not leave school for lunch or to buy beverages.
Visitors should exercise caution when buying food or beverages from street vendors.
"Image counts more than taste in why people buy beverages."
Federal procurement law requires the military to buy alcoholic beverages at the lowest available price.
Another inconsistency involves the difference between legal ages for buying and selling alcoholic beverages.
To buy alcoholic beverages at Systembolaget one has to be 20 years of age or older.
At Swedish restaurants and bars the legal age to buy alcoholic beverages is 18.