"Handmade ceramic tiles are more expensive than machine-made tile, but you are buying artwork."
Miss Danilova later bought artwork, but always, she recalled, for its intrinsic appeal rather than as an investment.
Plays close; no one buys books or artwork.
He talks the shop owner into financing a venture to buy artwork on Halma for more than the pittance the lords pay.
"Who'd buy artwork from somebody named Vinderwahl?"
That is where art advisers come in, to help clients learn about, choose and buy artwork.
"They buy expensive artwork and don't think of what's on the back, how they're going to hang it or what's going to happen to the wall."
With this money, he was also able to buy and sell artwork for himself through the gallery, he said.
Increasingly, he turned his attention to Olana itself, improving the landscape, buying artwork for the house, and building the studio wing.
Knockout: A secret auction held by a ring of dealers after a selected member buys an object or artwork at a public sale.