The gallery bought the work for way above its estimate, paying $109,750, and then had the painting restored.
I then bought the two units above my apartment from the co-op corporation.
As demand continued to grow ever faster, the company began buying vegetables above and beyond its own harvests.
He bought the shares at prices well above the current price.
But there is no way Ray went out and bought the reflecting metal sculpture above his sofa.
They are looking - all four - for a building to buy, with a studio space above a storefront.
As a way of getting more flat for your money in London, buying above a commercial premises is an attractive option.
Most banks, he said, are buying their stock at well above book value.
He had forced Steyner to buy well above market value.
The reserve agency, without capital of its own, bought the corn with loans at a staggering domestic interest rate, above 50 percent.