The butterfly occasionally also visits wet patches.
Adult butterflies occasionally visit carrion to drink liquids.
Some butterflies also visit dung, rotting fruit or carcasses to obtain minerals and nutrients.
The butterfly occasionally visits flowers and has been recorded to visit Verbena flowers in Kodagu.
Bees continued to hum purposefully among the flowers; half a dozen butterflies were visiting there too, though in a dilettante, unairworthylooking way.
The butterflies visit flowers such as Lantana, Stachytarpheta and Clerodendron.
This butterfly does not visit flowers.
This butterfly seldom visits flowers, but rather feeds on sap, rotting fruit, salts and minerals from puddling, and dung.
I believe that bees, butterflies and other insects will visit the screen, and "choose" by bumping into a particular spot on the screen.
Adult butterflies, hoverflies, native bees, small beetles and grasshoppers visit the flower heads.