Roran thought the butler knew perfectly well that they did not.
They'd read all the right books on etiquette; the footman and the butler knew exactly what to do.
Why should she think a man cannot be honest and true unless her butler knows him?
Both of them had English accents, but Escott's was genuine, and the butler knew when he was outclassed.
But the butler does not know the name of the guests, and so must put them into boxes selected at random.
They are horrified that the new butler knows everything about their escapades of the previous evening.
But the butler does not know the identities of the guests, and so he puts the hats into boxes selected at random.
He added: "The butler would not know Mr Murdoch better than I have.
His wife, he learned, was dining out, the butler did not know with whom.
He was not certain, but the thought crossed his mind that the butler knew something which he was holding back.