A busty girl and Yako's best friend.
The busty little blonde girl had her arm around his waist.
A school full of pubescent, busty teenage girls had the edge on following a maimed corpse to the mortuary.
A busty girl in sweater and shorts was singing to it in a high soprano.
He paid the busty teenage girl at the cash register $4.20 for his purchases and another $20 for gas.
A very busty girl with a penchant for gluttony and current captain of the club.
As did the busty and really well-stacked girls.
The ad shows a crook gazing at the busty, mini-skirted girls and asks: 'Who's giving your bag the eye?'
She is depicted as a shy, clumsy, yet busty girl with glasses.
Woodward sat in the chair vacated by the busty young Oriental girl and Wooley began to attach the discs to his head.