Love hotels have pretty well shed the seedy reputation they gained in the 1970's as a place where businessmen met with prostitutes.
Since then the Swiss businessman has traveled the globe and met with 15 heads of state and many business leaders on his "mission of common sense."
Not long ago, apparently mature Japanese businessmen, seeking to become better managers, met daily to scream and cry away their failures, their so-called "badges of shame."
Instead Seattle banded together, and at 11 am on June 7, 600 businessmen met to discuss how to cope with the current situation and plan for the future.
As the richest of yachtsmen, the two businessmen have met before.
The businessman, reasoning that marriage is partly a financial relationship, meets Tendra Risant, whom he marries.
These are exchanged on every occasion where one businessman meets another.
This was the place where wealthy Chinese businessmen would meet for leisure.
Local businessmen are meeting with the mayor to discuss ways to reduce crime in the city centre.
A successful but unhappy businessman (Clarke) meets a free-spirited stranger (Vega) who tempts him to explore reckless love.