He had gotten here by making his own rules, the businessman decided.
These two businessmen were well off in Japan, but decided to come to Texas with their families to work the land.
A wealthy dying businessman decides to leave his money to eight complete strangers.
A shrewd businessman, he decided that if they wouldn't come to him, he would go to them.
The businessmen decided that they could depend only on hard currency rather than dealing with Russia's highly unstable ruble.
It began when 14 local businessmen in Ridgewood, Queens decided to form a mutual savings bank to serve the needs of the community.
Every businessman had politely decided a compact model was preferable to the only available Lincoln.
The project was not fully realised because, in the meantime, businessmen decided to buy shares and invest money to the club.
As a result of this a local businessman decided to hold a "Peace March" the following week.