Local businessmen call it a kind of love letter to Japan from Virginia.
One businessman calls another to check in on how he's doing.
In addition to various celebrities, many African American lawyers, doctors, educators and businessmen call the well-known area home.
Farmers, fishermen, laborers, businessmen, and professionals all call Maryland home.
Faced with a program that they were convinced was backfiring, businessmen and city officials called for changes in the state law.
"If a room would otherwise go empty and it is being offered with a promotion, businessmen will call at the last minute to get the discount."
John Wanamaker (businessman sometimes called the father of the department store - had a second home in the township)
Local businessmen called in a team of scientists from Rostov-on-Don.
Sometimes it is a straightforward matter of getting local bankers or small businessmen to call their Congressman.
While businessmen called this a welcome move, if somewhat late, the currency markets had already been expecting such a cut.