Contractors and businessman began to build temporary buildings for their stores.
After the mill shut down in 1950, local businessmen bought the property and began leasing it as office space.
"I think that in this process businessmen and their agents will begin to exercise unprecedented control over the allocation of medical resources."
Around 1994, some businessmen began talking about a "new economy," in which old rules no longer applied.
As time passed, those smaller buildings became inadequate, so several local leaders and businessmen began to call for a new permanent capitol building.
Three years later a businessman began renovating the historic saloon next door.
Early on, businessmen began to support the party in an effort to insure it would be more than just a trade union effort.
The businessmen began immediately to rebuild, all of brick construction.
Some prominent businessmen begun scouting the place for business and industry.
The two businessmen soon realised that cars were the main draw of the magazine and began to focus in this area.