"The name's Maquesta Kar-thon," said the woman, her expression cold and businesslike.
Tchev's grin collapsed into a more appropriately businesslike expression.
Gelicia's meaty face took on a businesslike expression, which some would have called crafty-furtive.
He tried to put a businesslike expression on his face.
His bearded face was a bit glum, but then he straightened his shoulders and assumed a businesslike expression.
He wore a serious, businesslike expression, that was in keeping with the important position which he held.
A smile struggled with her businesslike expression, won for a moment, then fluttered nervously and died.
'All in, including insurance and depreciation, a little under four thousand pounds a month,' she told him with a matching businesslike expression.
It is a safely distant or businesslike expression of warmth.
Standing in the lobby, car keys in his hand, Avery looks at me with the cop's businesslike expression.