White pages give information about the business supplying the service.
In many cases, businesses do not only supply their products or services to be recognized, but they also offer other things for free.
In a little more than a year, local businesses could supply almost all necessary commodities and the population was 48 people.
So businesses, facing high world oil prices, are supplying less of both.
Shops and businesses on the lobby floor supplied such services for the residents.
His father wanted him to take over the family business, supplying sets for television commercials, plays and films.
In some cases, businesses supply an initial estimate, then a final quotation once the detail of the job is known.
He set up a business supplying masts for ships with a partner based in London.
(There has been some struggle over commercial use of the Internet, but that situation is changing as businesses supply their own links).
Their main business is supplying, maintaining, repairing and rebuilding power presses.