They are required to report these sales every month (see Personal vs. business purchases).
Show the total amount of deductible VAT charged on your business purchases.
Analysts say Motorola will also be helped by the proposed investment tax credit for business purchases of capital equipment.
But he rarely asked her questions about business purchases and often made mistakes.
This means you won't be able to reclaim any VAT on your business purchases.
Forward auctions can also bring benefits when making business purchases.
Apple's Macintoshes, which now make up about 9 percent of current business purchases, use an exclusive operating system created by Apple.
Both the business purchase and a later acquisition of the inventory of another store were made by signing personal notes for the balances due.
This route is only available if a business purchases or develops its own software.
Using a personal card to pay for business purchases also makes it more difficult to keep personal and business expenses separate.