In the early 1960s, top business professors were recruited to help strengthen the existing program.
Mr. Toledo, a former business professor, likes to be compared to the emperor.
The life of a business professor is markedly different from a corporate career.
The 55-year-old business professor was reunited with his two sons today for the first time in more than three years.
He came from a merchant family, but had been a business professor before his 50s.
But corporations that leave the issue there are being remarkably shortsighted, two business professors argue.
Alejandro Toledo, the business professor who dropped out of the race charging fraud, won 17.68 percent.
That was, as one business professor put it, "the mother of all pricing battles."
I suspect that highly paid business professors were out to lunch during the same period.
Mr. Yoffie, the business professor, said each executive probably recognized the other's strengths.