Many celebrities and business moguls have also bought vacation homes in the area.
The reality star and heiress turned business mogul has virtually written the book on how to turn celebrity into financial success.
Carnegie, a business mogul, donated roughly $40,000,000 to library construction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
I thought about the big show business moguls I read about.
I watch the faces of the business moguls.
Described as a business mogul, Mushimba has been involved with the trading of diamonds.
For the first time, Forbes magazine is recognizing chefs as business moguls.
Big cities seem to be enamored of unconventional leaders in education - business moguls, lawyers, politicians and retired military officers.
An election campaign is beginning, and everyone with power, from business moguls to the Government, is angling to influence the outcome.
The business mogul and public interest lawyer, however, came to admire each other.