A new study, for example, has found that when foreign businesses locate in this country, they are very conscious of a state's tax environment.
Many businesses located near the border crossing offer currency exchange services.
Other businesses have located inside the building since its construction including restaurants, beauty salons, and dress shops.
But less partisan economists see much to gain, provided the plan is used to encourage, but not force, a business to locate in depressed areas.
Many businesses locate here because rents are less than in Downtown Pittsburgh.
Its first retail district, built in the 1950s, is seeing a revitalization with many art and design oriented businesses having located there in recent years.
But, he added, "The issue of where businesses locate is something up to individual businesses."
To make things work you have to have parking downtown - that's the only way businesses will locate here.
Through the years many businesses have located in Morgan.
This growth has been nearly all residential; businesses are not locating in Sanford.